
Emirates Telecommunications Group Company Job Opportunity in UAE

This list contains the currently offered job vacancies at Emirates Telecommunication Group. So, let us look at the newest job vacancies in the firm. Before that, we’ll provide you with a brief overall view of the Emirates Telecommunication Group.

Emirates Telecommunications Group Co PJSC provides mobile and fixed line voice and data services, as well as television, internet, and roaming. The firm offers data clearing and settlement services, as well as submarine cable installation, payment acceptance, information provision, and facility management. It also provides mobile devices, routers, gaming consoles, and smart home appliances to customers. Etisalat offers cloud, security, internet marketing, computing, digital payments, and managed services to businesses and government organizations. Etisalat markets its products under the brand names Etisalat, Ufone, PTCL, Moov, Swyp, Gabon Telecom, Mauritel, Sotelma, Onatel, Etisalat Misr, Mobily, Maroc, and Zantel. The company is active in Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. Etisalat’s headquarters are in the UAE city of Abu Dhabi.


List of Available Jobs in Emirates Telecommunication Group

Manager/Global Connectivity & Projects ManagerUAE
Vice President /Retail Sales ChannelUAE
Sr. Executive SecretaryUAE
Officer – Workforce Management-Customer CareUAE
Sr. Manager / Retail Business OperationsUAE
Sr. Solutions Architect/Solutions ArchitectureUAE

How To Apply To Job of Organization Emirates Telecommunication Group

Select the link presented on the careers website, then explore the page on which you can submit your CV/Resume.

Note: We are the third party candidates who work behind such a website (, so we keep updating career and job vacant posts in the Gulf countries, but we are not a trying to recruit agency, so you can trust us that we are not a false statement or a fraud who offers you with inaccurate information. However, we will not consider buying any register or implementation fees from you.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What is Etisalat legal name?

The Emirates Telecommunication Corporation

2. Which country owns Etisalat network?

Etisalat – The fourth and final company on our list is Etisalat, whose CEO is Ahmed AbulkarimMohd Julfar. Etisalat was founded in 1976 in the United Arab Emirate of Abu-Dhabi.

3. What are the top telecom companies in UAE?

The major companies in the United Arab Emirates Telecom Market are Etisalat (Emirates Telecommunication Group Company PJSC), Thuraya Telecommunications Company, Al Yah Satellite Communications (Yahsat), Virgin Mobile UAE, and Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (du).