Bahrain Airport jobs and Career Opportunity in Bahrain

This page contains a list of the current job openings at Bahrain Airport. So, let’s take a look at the new job openings in the company. Before that, we’ll give you a quick rundown of the Bahrain Airport Company.

Bahrain‘s international airport first opened its doors in 1927, when a chartered flight to Bahrain landed. The first scheduled commercial airliner to arrive in Bahrain in 1932 was Hannibal, a Handley Page H.P.42 aircraft. The H.P.42 had only 24 passengers on board, and the flight from London had taken several days of flying at 100 miles per hour. Bahrain was established as one of the Persian Gulf’s first international airports as a result of this regularly scheduled service.

How To Apply

Click on the job title and enter the link, then go to the website where you can submit your CV/Resume.

Bahrain Airport Company

List of Job Vacancies in Bahrain Airport Company

Job TitleLocation
Network Scheduling & Slots ManagerBahrain

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