
Aamal Company jobs and Career Opportunity in Qatar

This website contains a list of the latest job vacancies at Aamal. So, let’s all look at the newest job vacancies in the firm. Just before to that, we would then offer you a general outline of the Aamal Business.

All of the employees, including those working at the subsidiary companies, must conform to the Occupational Health and Policy and Safety Procedures. Aamal Cement Industries, Aamal Readymix, and Doha Cables also are ISO 45001 certified in occupational health and safety. This year, the total number of recordable injury problems between many both employees and contractors remained steady, and each one was treated in full compliance with the firm’s safety and health procedures, which were designed to safeguard everybody who worked there, which include the partner contractors.


How To Apply To Job of MashreqBank Company

Follow the link provided on the career page and open up the link, then visit the webpage where you can publish your CV/Resume.

List of Job Vacancies in MashreqBank Company

Job TitleLocation
Financial Planning and Analysis Manager (Holding)Qatar
Group HR Director (Holding)Qatar
Head ButlerQatar
Assistant Cost ControllerQatar
Director of Food & BeverageQatar
Director of RoomsQatar
Hotel ManagerQatar
Housekeeping Manager – Head of Department

Note: We are the multiple parties who work behind this website (gulf.myabundanceira.com), so here we keep updating career and job vacancies of gulf nations, but we are not a recruiting entity, therefore you can believe us that we are not fraudulent or fraud who provide you with inaccurate information. Despite this, we will not consider buying any register or application service charges from you.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Aamal company salary?

Aamal Al Muqawil Co GROUP’s average annual salary is INR 10.4 lakhs. Salary estimates are based on the most recent 10 Aamal Al Muqawil Co GROUP salaries received from various Aamal Al Muqawil Co GROUP employees.

2. Aamal company employee strength?

No. of Employees – 1,363

3. Aamal company location?

Doha – Qatar